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Coming to Business Innovation Hub May 1st, 2024 through the summer!

"The Innovation Wyrkshop is committed to providing an inspiring, empowering, state-of-the-art makerspace experience. We believe that hands-on learning and interdisciplinary collaboration are the keys to fostering creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

We are committed to inclusivity and diversity and strive to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere for makers of all ages and abilities. We believe that everyone has a unique perspective to bring to the innovative design process, and we seek to champion maker values and foster mutual respect. Our makerspaces are open, free, and accessible to all those who wish to use them, and we are dedicated to responding to the needs of our communities. At the Innovation Wyrkshop, we believe in the power of making, and we are committed to providing an accessible and inclusive makerspace experience for everyone."

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